ar X iv : c s . C G / 0 31 00 27 v 1 1 5 O ct 2 00 3 On the Continuous Fermat - Weber Problem ∗
We give the first exact algorithmic study of facility location problems that deal with finding a median for a continuum of demand points. In particular, we consider versions of the “continuous k-median (Fermat-Weber) problem” where the goal is to select one or more center points that minimize the average distance to a set of points in a demand region. In such problems, the average is computed as an integral over the relevant region, versus the usual discrete sum of distances. The resulting facility location problems are inherently geometric, requiring analysis techniques of computational geometry. We provide polynomial-time algorithms for various versions of the L1 1-median (Fermat-Weber) problem. We also consider the multiple-center version of the L1 k-median problem, which we prove is NP-hard for large k. MSC Classification: 90B85, 68U05 ACM Classification: F.2.2
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : c s / 03 10 02 7 v 1 [ cs . C G ] 1 5 O ct 2 00 3 On the Continuous Fermat - Weber Problem ∗ Sándor
We give the first exact algorithmic study of facility location problems that deal with finding a median for a continuum of demand points. In particular, we consider versions of the “continuous k-median (Fermat-Weber) problem” where the goal is to select one or more center points that minimize the average distance to a set of points in a demand region. In such problems, the average is computed a...
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ar X iv : g r - qc / 0 31 00 49 v 1 8 O ct 2 00 3 Binary Neutron Star Inspiral Search in LIGO S 1
We describe the search for gravitational waves from inspiraling neutron star binary systems, using data from the first Scientific Run of the LIGO Science Collaboration.
متن کاملar X iv : g r - qc / 0 31 00 76 v 1 1 5 O ct 2 00 3 HOLONOMY GROUPS AND SPACETIMES
A study is made of the possible holonomy group types of a space-time for which the energy-momentum tensor corresponds to a null or non-null electromagnetic field, a perfect fluid or a massive scalar field. The case of an Einstein space is also included. The techniques developed are also applied to vacuum and conformally flat space-times and contrasted with already known results in these two cas...
متن کاملRTES-03 Interfaces.indd
[ B ur ns 20 07 ] B u rn s, A & W el lin gs , A C o n cu rr en t a n d R ea l-T im e Pr o gr am m in g in A d a, e d it io n C am b ri d ge U n iv er si ty P re ss 2 00 7 [ M o to ro la 19 96 ] M o to ro la Ti m e Pr o ce ss in g U n it R ef er en ce M an u al 1 99 6 p p . 1 -1 42 [ M o to ro la 20 00 ] M o to ro la M PC 56 5 & M PC 56 6 2 00 0 p p . 1 -1 31 2 [ P ea co ck 19 97 ] Pe ac o ck , ...
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